Here are 10 things I heard Hans Buwalda say about test automation. I have thought about each of these to some extent and I would love to discuss any that you disagree with or embrace.

  1. Stay away from “illegal checks”. Do not check something just because an automated test is there. Stay within the scope of the test, which should have been defined by the test designer. There should be a different test for each thing to check.
  2. If bugs found by tests will not be fixed soon, do not keep executing those tests.
  3. All Actions (AKA Keywords) with parameters should have defaults so the parameters do not have to be specified. This makes it easier for the test author to focus on the target.
  4. Group automated tests into modules (i.e., chunks of tests that target a specific area). These tests should not be dependent on other modules.
  5. Do not use copy and paste inside your automation code. Instead, be modular. Instead of copying low-level steps to another test, use a procedure that encapsulates those low-level tests. This prevents a maintenance nightmare when the AUT changes.
  6. Remove all hard-coded wait times. Instead use active timing. Never tell a test to wait 2 seconds before moving on. If it takes 3 seconds your test breaks. Instead, test for the ready state using a loop.
  7. Ask your devs to populate a specific object property (e.g., “accessibility name”) for you. If not, you will waste time determining how to map to each object.
  8. Attempt to isolate UI tests such that one failed test will not fail all the other tests.
  9. Something I didn’t expect Hans to say was not to worry about error handling in your automation framework. He says not to waste time on error handling because the tests should be written to “work”. At first I disagreed with this. But later I realized, in my own experiences with error handling, that it made me lazy. Often, instead of automating a solid test, I relied on error handling to keep my tests passing.
  10. When Hans recommends an “Action-Based” test automation framework, IMO what he means is that it should support both low-level and high-level descriptions for the test steps. Hans considers “Keyword-Driven” automation to be low-level; the keywords being things like “click button”, “type text”, “select item”. Hans also considers Business-Template-Driven automation to be high-level; things like “submit order”, “edit order”. Action-Based test automation uses all of the above. One reason is to build a test library that can check low-level stuff first. If the low level stuff passes, then the high-level tests should execute.

What do you think about these?


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