I’m a Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson fanboy.  In this video, he pokes fun of a common view of scientists.  A view that when scientists think they’ve figure something out, they stop investigating and just sit around, proud of themselves.  Neil says, “[scientists] never leave the drawing board”.  They keep investigating and always embrace new evidence, especially when it contradicts current theories.

In other words, a scientist must trade closure for a continued search for truth.  “Done” is not the desired state.

As a tester, I have often been exhausted, eager to make the claim. “it works…my job here is done”.  And even when faced with contradicting evidence, I have found myself brushing it away, or hoping it is merely a user problem.

Skilled testers will relate.  Test work can chew us up and spit us out if we don’t have the right perspective.  Don’t burden yourself by approaching test work as something you are responsible for ending.


  1. Steven said...

    Is your product programmer writing unit tests? If so then I think #3 might be misleading to some; unit tests would run but not any (not-yet-existing) integration tests (be they headless or UI-based).

  2. Eric Jacobson said...

    Hi Steven. I think your comment got posted under the wrong blog post. Your point seems interesting but I can't understand it without the right context.

  3. Steven said...

    that's bizarre. I vaguely remember writing the comment, and my recollection of *what* I was responding to is even more vague. I just looked through your most recent half-dozen or so posts, and none fit those fuzzy memories, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  4. Bibi said...

    I entirely agree with this. As a tester, it's hard to be 100% "done" with something. There's always the possibility of conducting another test or trying something further. Since exhaustive testing is usually never feasible, I think it's important we attain our own confidence levels about what we're testing.

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