This tired question has several variations and here is what I think.

If the question is, “Am I done testing this AUT?” the answer is, of course, no. There are an infinite number of tests to execute, so there is no such thing as finishing early in testing. Sorry. You should still be executing tests as your manager takes away your computer and rips you from your cubicle in an effort to stop you from logging your next bug. Or as Ben Simo’s 12 year old daughter puts it, you’re not done testing until you die or get really tired of it.

The more realistic question, “Is it time to stop testing this AUT?” probably depends on today’s date. We do the best we can within the time we are given. Some outside constraint (e.g., project completion date, ship date, you are reassigned to a different role) probably provides your hard stop. The decision of when to stop testing is not left up to the tester, although your feedback was probably considered early on… when nothing was really known about the AUT.

Finally, the question, “Am I done testing this feature?” is much more interesting and valuable to the tester. Assuming your AUT has multiple features that are ready for testing, you’ll want to pace yourself so attention is given to all features, or at least all important features. This is a balancing game because too much time spent on any given feature may cause neglect on others. I like to use two heuristics to guide me.

Popcorn Heuristic – I heard this one at Michael Bolton’s excellent Rapid Software Testing class. How do we know when a bag of microwave popcorn is finished popping? Bugs are discovered in much the same way. We poke around and start finding a few bugs. We look a little deeper and suddenly bugs are popping up like crazy. Finally, they start getting harder to find. Stop the microwave. Move on to the next feature, we’re done here!

Straw House Heuristic – I picked up this one from Adam White’s blog. Don’t use a tornado to hit a straw house. When we first begin testing a new feature, we should poke at it with some simple sanity tests and see how it does. If it can’t stand up against the simple stuff, we may be wasting our time with further testing. It’s hard to resist the joy of flooding the bug tracking system with easy bugs but our skills would be wasted, right? Make sure your devs agree with your assessment that said feature is not quite ready for your tornado, log some high level bugs, and ask them if they’ll build you a stone house. Then move on to the next feature, we’re done here!

What do you think?


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